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Agreement reached at UN on biopiracy treaty

More than 190 nations agreed Friday on a new treaty to combat so-called biopiracy and regulate patents stemming from genetic resources such as medicinal plants, particularly ones whose uses owe a debt to traditional knowledge.

Uncertainty clouds UN talks on biopiracy treaty

UN talks to create a global treaty to combat biopiracy and the exploitation of genetic resources hung in the balance Thursday, a day before an agreement was due to be signed.

Gene could unlock greater wheat yields for a growing population

A study from the University of Adelaide has discovered molecular pathways regulated by a gene traditionally used to control wheat-flowering behavior could be altered to achieve greater yields. The research was published in ...

Drill-interseeded cover crops in V3 corn reap benefits

Research published in the journal Weed Science shows that drill-interseeded cover crops into vegetative growth stage 3 (V3) corn performs well in Northeast U.S. production regions. The paper is titled "Light partitioning ...

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