Plant‑based protein, the pandemic and the agrifood supply chain

Each time Dr. Gumataw Abebe visits his local grocery store, he is pleasantly surprised to discover more plant-based protein items on the shelves. Not just for the added choice it offers consumers like him but also because ...

Adding a 'decoy option' may give extra boost to crowdfunding

Imagine walking into an ice cream shop and scanning your options. A sugar cone with one scoop is $3. A second scoop comes out to $4, but for just 50 cents more, you can get a large waffle cone with three scoops. Some people ...

New analysis finds pandemic didn't dampen deforestation

Despite the massive upheavals in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, deforestation globally proceeded more or less as expected from the trends established over the last 15 years, according to a recent study from researchers ...

Surveys reveals five patterns in consumer responses to inflation

People are scaling back their spending habits and changing attitudes toward saving and borrowing after a year and a half of high inflation, according to a special report from the University of Michigan's Surveys of Consumers.

California unveils plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2045

California air quality officials released a bold climate plan Wednesday that outlines in broad strokes how the state intends to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade and eventually eliminate ...

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