Surveys reveals five patterns in consumer responses to inflation

People are scaling back their spending habits and changing attitudes toward saving and borrowing after a year and a half of high inflation, according to a special report from the University of Michigan's Surveys of Consumers.

California unveils plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2045

California air quality officials released a bold climate plan Wednesday that outlines in broad strokes how the state intends to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade and eventually eliminate ...

Limiting antibiotics for cows may create new dairy market

Consumers would be willing to buy milk from cows only treated with antibiotics when medically necessary—as long as the price isn't much higher than conventional milk, according to researchers at the College of Veterinary ...

Why some big corporations must split up to survive

It's been happening a lot lately. General Electric, once the epitome of a sprawling conglomerate, is splitting into three stand-alone health care, energy, and aerospace corporations. The Kellogg Company is trifurcating as ...

Antibiotic resistance linked to these household products

The study, by Assistant Professor Hui Peng's research group in the department of chemistry in the Faculty of Arts & Science, was able to show that triclosan—a chemical often included in household items like hand soaps, ...

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