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STEM afterschool programs' benefits extend to friend groups

Research has established that youth participation in science-focused afterschool clubs leads to a higher science identity—or seeing oneself as a science kind of person or as a scientist—and that peers exert influence ...

Q&A: Making the case for artisanal and small-scale mining

Artisanal and small-scale mining plays a critical role in supplying the world with minerals vital for decarbonization, but this kind of mining typically lacks regulation and can be socially and environmentally harmful.

What nonverbal cues reveal about online learning and robotics

In today's digital reality, where virtual classrooms are increasingly commonplace, it's essential to know how to make online education as impactful as traditional face-to-face learning. A recent study conducted at Cluster ...

More news

Social Sciences
Film director explains how to make inclusive cinema to favor access for people with disabilities
Social Sciences
Study finds immediate psychological benefit to churchgoers
Political science
Do crypto enthusiasts actually make up a significant voting bloc in the US?
Social Sciences
Gambling is causing great harm—here's how to tip the odds back in the community's favor
Economics & Business
'Social profit orientation' can help companies and nonprofits alike do more good in the world
Social Sciences
Study highlights importance of social media influencers in information dissemination during mpox outbreak
'Digital pause': France pilots school mobile phone ban
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Voting as a social determinant of health
Economics & Business
Companies with emotionally intelligent managers make more money, research shows
Social Sciences
People in financial distress behave more morally, says study
Social Sciences
Simulation study explores how gift giving drives social change
Social Sciences
How new words arise in social media
Social Sciences
The right to be wrong: How context or human rationality may influence our decisions
Mathematicians model a puzzling breakdown in cooperative behavior
Social Sciences
Early exposure to diverse faces helps babies overcome prejudices later in life, study suggests
Social Sciences
Warning labels from fact checkers work—even if you don't trust them—says study
Economics & Business
Research explores whether 'everything as a service' will live up to its great expectations
For a young child, the first day in day-care center opens the door to a new world
Economics & Business
Going down: A drop in rankings matters more than a rise for organizations, study finds
Social Sciences
Research reveals huge volume of sports gambling advertising on social media in the US

Other news

Plants & Animals
City light pollution is shrinking spiders' brains, new study finds
Nanostructures enable on-chip lightwave-electronic frequency mixer
Cell & Microbiology
Researcher helps develop new technique to explore oceanic microbes
Soil treated with organic fertilizers stores more carbon, study finds
Plants & Animals
Soil pollution surpasses climate change as top threat to underground biodiversity, study finds
Condensed Matter
Optoelectronic diamond device reveals an unexpected phenomenon reminiscent of lightning in slow motion
Plants & Animals
Fetching in cats is more common than previously thought, researchers find
Dozens of viruses detected in Chinese fur farm animals
Space Exploration
Boeing will fly its empty capsule back to Earth soon. Two NASA astronauts will stay behind
Earth Sciences
Scientists uncover hidden source of snow melt: Dark brown carbon
Plants & Animals
RNA editing plays critical role in fruit flies' sense of smell and social interactions
Plants & Animals
Providing blooms all season long may be key to attracting pollinators, no matter what landscape is near your garden
Plants & Animals
Temperature fluctuations significantly affect dragonfly perception, study shows
General Physics
Major leap for nuclear clock paves way for ultraprecise timekeeping
Optics & Photonics
Entangled photon pairs enable hidden image encoding
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers find genetic variant for speed of hair graying, susceptibility to skin melanoma in horses
Genomic analyses of prairie chickens cast doubt on species classifications
Astronomers investigate the nature of a bright low-mass X-ray binary system
Planetary Sciences
Expert explains evidence for planetary formation through gravitational instability
Plasma Physics
Measuring the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio in the deuterium-tritium reaction