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Scientists achieve unprecedented control of active matter

An international research team led by Brandeis University has achieved a major breakthrough in the field of active matter physics, as detailed in a study published this week in Physical Review X. This pioneering research ...

Langbeinites show talents as 3D quantum spin liquids

A 3D quantum spin liquid has been discovered in the vicinity of a member of the langbeinite family. The material's specific crystalline structure and the resulting magnetic interactions induce an unusual behavior that can ...

Scientists characterize shale cap rocks at tiny scales

A team of researchers is working on a multidisciplinary approach to advancing the exploration of shale rock as a suitable geological seal for resource recovery and underground storage. Given that the pore space in shale rock ...

More news

General Physics
Tuning into the frequencies of conical shells: Research reveals a fluid-structure symphony
Soft Matter
Bursting of underwater oil drops: How pollution may remain in water after oil spill cleanups
Soft Matter
Modeling a right royal butterfly effect
Soft Matter
New theory reveals fracture mechanism in soft materials
Soft Matter
Quantum sensors: How does the flow profile affect flow measurements?
Soft Matter
Observing flows at a liquid-liquid-solid intersection
General Physics
Model shows how plankton survive in a turbulent world
Condensed Matter
Thermoelectric effect between two liquid materials observed for the first time
Soft Matter
The unexpected connection between brewing coffee and understanding turbulence
General Physics
Study shows plant hydraulics create streaming electric potential in sync with biological clock
Soft Matter
New study unveils how water dynamics slow down at low temperatures
Soft Matter
Scientists reveal elastic turbulence has more in common with classical Newtonian turbulence than expected
General Physics
New method can create aquatic levitation at much lower temperature, has implications for cooling nuclear reactors
General Physics
Researchers show how to use 'topological tweezers' to control active fluids
Condensed Matter
Artificial nanomagnets inspire mechanical system with memory capability
General Physics
Unlocking the secrets of supercritical fluids: Study offers insights into a hybrid state of matter
Soft Matter
Expanding on the fundamental principles of liquid movement
General Physics
Deep-sea sponge's 'zero-energy' flow control could inspire new energy efficient designs
General Physics
'Dancing' raisins: A simple kitchen experiment reveals how objects can extract energy from their environment
Condensed Matter
Study sheds light on the origin of elasticity in glasses and gels

Other news

Bio & Medicine
Magnetoelectric nanodiscs offer remote brain stimulation without implants or genetic modification
'Inside-out' galaxy growth observed in the early universe
Bio & Medicine
Expansion technique to image nanoscale structures inside cells makes high-resolution imaging more accessible
'Islands' of regularity discovered in the famously chaotic three-body problem
Advanced technology discovered under Neolithic dwelling in Denmark
Materials Science
Inspired by Spider-Man, researchers recreate web-slinging technology
A sharper view of the Milky Way with Gaia and machine learning
Condensed Matter
Theoretical study demonstrates existence of giant photocaloric effects in ferroelectric perovskites
Bio & Medicine
New nanotherapy targets artery inflammation in cardiovascular disease
Astronomers find Webb data conflict with reionization models
How personal care products affect indoor air quality
Molecular & Computational biology
Advanced model predicts gene architecture via nucleosome position
Cell & Microbiology
Claustrophobic cells slow their own growth, forming beautiful patterns of concentric circles
A look into 'mirror molecules' may lead to new medicines
Molecular & Computational biology
Benchmarking study aims to assist scientists in analyzing spatial transcriptomics data
Cell & Microbiology
Signaling pathway discovery could lead to faster, more reliable human stem cell differentiation
Landscape effects of hunter-gatherer practices reshape idea of agriculture
Cell & Microbiology
Targeting 'selfish' bacteria could optimize inhibitors that fight antibiotic resistance
Social Sciences
Deleting your Facebook may increase your well-being but reduce your political knowledge
Earth Sciences
Geologist helps track lead pollution in a Tibetan glacier, revealing global impact of human activities

The view from inside supersonic combustion

In a jet engine, the flow of air is slowed down to increase the temperature and pressure for combustion—burning fuel with the right ratio of fuel and air to conquer drag allows for acceleration.

Shaken, and stirred: Scaling up bioreactors' fluid dynamics

Bioreactors are widely used to produce different therapeutics in the biopharmaceutical and regenerative medicine industries. Drug development relies on small multi-well plates shaken around an orbital diameter, while production-scale ...

So much depends on the velocity of tiny droplets cast upward

A day at the beach beset by heavy clouds, or the sticky heat of a salty haze can seem like the work of large, unpredictable forces. But behind such atmospheric phenomena are billions of tiny interactions between the air and ...

Research helps break ground to clean up land

Researchers at Swansea University's Complex Flow Lab have been exploring the intricate shapes that emerge when air is injected into soil. Published in Physical Review Applied, these findings could one day be used to speed ...

Putting some skin in the turbulence game

An algorithm that improves simulations of turbulent flows by enabling the accurate calculation of a parameter called skin friction has been developed by KAUST researchers in collaboration with researchers at the California ...

Unusual thermal convection in a well-mixed fluid

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University, have recently discovered unusual thermal convection in a uniform mixture of high- and low-viscosity liquids. Kobayashi and Kurita found that concentration fluctuations are enhanced ...

Electromagnetic water cloak eliminates drag and wake

Researchers have developed a water cloaking concept based on electromagnetic forces that could eliminate an object's wake, greatly reducing its drag while simultaneously helping it avoid detection.