Downtime at the nerve cell's protein factories

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a rare hereditary condition. It occurs when genetic changes disrupt the transmission of nerve signals from the brain to the muscles of the extremities, particularly those of the lower ...

Tracking RNA through space and time

The "miracle of life" is most obvious at the very beginning: When the fertilized egg cell divides by means of furrows into blastomeres, envelops itself in an amniotic sac, and unfolds to form germ layers. When the blastomeres ...

Scaling up genome editing in tiny worms

Understanding the effects of specific mutations in gene regulatory regions—the sections of DNA and RNA that turn genes on and off—is important to unraveling how the genome works, as well as normal development and disease. ...

Naked mole rats speak in dialect

Some people converse in Creole, while others speak Scots, but it's not only humans who can be identified by the diversity of language they speak. Naked mole-rats have their own dialects, too. Shared dialect also strengthens ...

Researchers find how cells move while avoiding adhesion

Cell velocity, or how fast a cell moves, is known to depend on how sticky the surface is beneath it, but the precise mechanisms of this relationship have remained elusive for decades. Now, researchers from the Max Delbrück ...

Enzyme prisons: Cell signaling with just one molecule

A team at the Max Dellbruck Center has answered a question that has puzzled scientists for some 40 years. In the journal Cell, the group explains how cells are able to switch on completely different signaling pathways using ...

Fantastic muscle proteins and where to find them

Researchers at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) developed a mouse model that enables them to look inside a working muscle and identify the proteins that allow the sarcomere ...

Research team develops new CRISPR diagnostic test

The simplicity of urine sampling has been combined with the excellent sensing abilities of CRISPR to improve diagnostic testing for kidney transplant patients, an international research team reports in the journal Nature ...

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