
Researchers advance understanding of a key celiac enzyme

Celiac disease affects around one in a hundred people worldwide, and those that have the autoimmune disorder have no choice but to stick to a gluten-free diet forever—at the moment, doctors have no other way to treat the ...


Astrophysicists uncover supermassive black hole/dark matter connection in solving the 'final parsec problem'

Researchers have found a link between some of the largest and smallest objects in the cosmos: supermassive black holes and dark matter particles.

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'New El Niño' discovered south of the equator

A small area of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, near New Zealand and Australia, can trigger temperature changes that affect the entire Southern Hemisphere, a new study has found.

New technique streamlines synthesis of heavy element compounds

Molecular compounds with heavy elements, like americium, curium and others can now be synthesized in a streamlined and efficient way thanks to a new technique developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers.

Study identifies new biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease

Recent advances in the study of proteomes (i.e., the entire range of proteins expressed by human cells and tissues) have opened new opportunities for identifying the biological markers of specific diseases or mental disorders. ...

Japan newborn gets liver stem cells in world first

Doctors in Japan have successfully transplanted liver cells derived from embryonic stem cells into a newborn baby, in a world first that could provide new treatment options for infants.

Brain's 'updating mechanisms' may create false memories

A study published in Current Biology reports on one of the first comprehensive characterizations of poorly formed memories, and may offer a framework to explore different therapeutic approaches to fear, memory and anxiety ...

Implantable biosensor that operates without batteries

Researchers from the University of Surrey have revealed their new biodegradable motion sensor—paving the way for implanted nanotechnology that could help future sports professionals better monitor their movements to aid ...

Bioinspired micro-robot based on white blood cells

A team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in Stuttgart invented a tiny micro-robot that resembles a white blood cell traveling through the circulatory system. It has the shape, the ...

Membrane nanopore transport gets picky

Trying to determine how negatively charged ions squeeze through a carbon nanotube 20,000 times smaller than a human hair is no easy feat.

'One-way' electronic devices enter the mainstream

Waves, whether they are light waves, sound waves, or any other kind, travel in the same manner in forward and reverse directions—this is known as the principle of reciprocity. If we could route waves in one direction only—breaking ...

Using design to perform 'non-invasive brain surgery'

Earlier this year, Twitter changed its default avatar from an egg to a human silhouette in an effort to curb harassment on the social media platform. Twitter officials hope the new avatar's impact will be two-fold, encouraging ...

Five questions about tornadoes

May and June are typically peak months for tornadoes in North America. We asked Penn State meteorology professors Paul Markowski and Yvette Richardson to explain why tornadoes form, how to stay safe if you're near one and ...

Material definition of humanity

We define human history through the materials we use: the stone age, the bronze age, the iron age. Perhaps we now live in the plastic age. The next epoch may well be the nanocomposite age. Art and architecture, transport ...

Comet V2 Johnson takes center stage

Had your fill of binocular comets? Turns out, 2017 may have saved the best for last. The past few months has seen a steady stream of dirty snowball visitations to the inner solar system, both short term periodic and long ...