Plants & Animals

The evolutionary history of rats has more holes than Swiss cheese, but researchers are trying to close them

Rats and humans have lived together for thousands of years. However, written historical records of rats migrating alongside people are sparse and some are entangled with myth and folklore.

Bio & Medicine

DNA nanotechnology unravels complex protein interactions to inform cancer diagnostics

A team of researchers from NUS Institute for Health Innovation & Technology (iHealthtech), led by Associate Professor Shao Huilin and Associate Professor Brian Lim, has developed a first-of-its-kind technology to map out ...

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Tech Xplore

AI pareidolia: Can machines spot faces in inanimate objects?

In 1994, Florida jewelry designer Diana Duyser discovered what she believed to be the Virgin Mary's image in a grilled cheese sandwich, which she preserved and later auctioned for $28,000. But how much do we really understand ...

A river is pushing up Mount Everest's peak

Mount Everest is about 15 to 50 meters taller than it would otherwise be because of uplift caused by a nearby eroding river gorge, and continues to grow because of it, finds a new study by UCL researchers.

New tool can assess elderly dogs' frailty

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a tool that can aid owners and veterinarians in assessing an elderly dog's frailty. The tool—when coupled with simple assessments of body and muscle condition ...

What should declining Japanese cities do?

Aging societies and population decline have been on the rise globally, but in Japan, the situation has been exacerbated ten-fold. A staggering 36.21 million people, or 28.9% of the populace, are 65 and over. Further, 74.6% ...

Machine learning uncovers potential new TB drugs

Machine learning is a computational tool used by many biologists to analyze huge amounts of data, helping them to identify potential new drugs. MIT researchers have now incorporated a new feature into these types of machine-learning ...

Bark beetle outbreaks benefit wild bee populations, habitat

When southern Rocky Mountain forests are viewed from a distance these days, it may not look like much is left. Large swaths of dead, standing Engelmann spruce trees tell the tale of a severe regional spruce beetle epidemic ...

Single laser produces high-power dual comb femtosecond pulses

Researchers have developed a new approach that uses a single laser cavity to create two high-power optical frequency combs emitting high-power femtosecond pulses. The new development paves the way for portable dual-comb light ...

World's deepest lake in peril, scientists warn

Lake Baikal is undergoing its gravest crisis in recent history, experts say, as the government bans the catching of a signature fish that has lived in the world's deepest lake for centuries but is now under threat.

Scientists question assumptions about planet formation

A paper published this week in Astrophysical Journal, led by Open University academics, has examined the exact structure and behaviour of the icy particles that collide and grow at the onset of planet-formation, in a series ...

Scientists develop robot with learned motor control

The two main pitfalls of robots that imitate the human body are control and cost. Researchers from the MoCoTi European project have designed a prototype of a robot that learns how to actuate its own limbs, and that can be ...

Delhi braces for pollution 'airpocalypse' as smog looms

As Hindus across India celebrate Diwali this week, scientists fear a ban on firecrackers and other emergency anti-pollution measures deployed by authorities may not be enough to prevent a repeat of last year's "airpocalypse" ...