Social Sciences

Online misinformation most likely to be believed by ideological extremists, study shows

Political observers have been troubled by the rise of online misinformation—a concern that has grown as we approach Election Day. However, while the spread of fake news may pose threats, a new study finds that its influence ...


Researchers witness nanoscale water formation in real time

For the first time ever, researchers have witnessed—in real time and at the molecular-scale—hydrogen and oxygen atoms merge to form tiny, nano-sized bubbles of water.

New cooling system works on gravity instead of electricity

Its abundance of sunlight and heavy investment in solar cell technology has positioned Saudi Arabia well in its transition to becoming a leading exporter of renewable energy. Indeed, solar energy currently makes up more than ...

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Tech Xplore

New tool can assess elderly dogs' frailty

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a tool that can aid owners and veterinarians in assessing an elderly dog's frailty. The tool—when coupled with simple assessments of body and muscle condition ...

Bark beetle outbreaks benefit wild bee populations, habitat

When southern Rocky Mountain forests are viewed from a distance these days, it may not look like much is left. Large swaths of dead, standing Engelmann spruce trees tell the tale of a severe regional spruce beetle epidemic ...

Single laser produces high-power dual comb femtosecond pulses

Researchers have developed a new approach that uses a single laser cavity to create two high-power optical frequency combs emitting high-power femtosecond pulses. The new development paves the way for portable dual-comb light ...

Discoveries suggest new breast cancer treatment

Findings by Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) researchers have pointed to a new combination of treatments that may help breast cancer patients with certain gene mutations.

Delhi braces for pollution 'airpocalypse' as smog looms

As Hindus across India celebrate Diwali this week, scientists fear a ban on firecrackers and other emergency anti-pollution measures deployed by authorities may not be enough to prevent a repeat of last year's "airpocalypse" ...