Plants & Animals

Scientists discover entirely new wood type that could be highly efficient at carbon storage

Researchers undertaking an evolutionary survey of the microscopic structure of wood from some of the world's most iconic trees and shrubs have discovered an entirely new type of wood.


The sun's corona is weirdly hot, and Parker Solar Probe rules out one explanation

By diving into the sun's corona, NASA's Parker Solar Probe has ruled out S-shaped bends in the sun's magnetic field as a cause of the corona's searing temperatures, according to University of Michigan research published in ...

Mucus-based bioink could be used to print and grow lung tissue

Lung diseases kill millions of people around the world each year. Treatment options are limited, and animal models for studying these illnesses and experimental medications are inadequate. Now, writing in ACS Applied Bio ...

Breaking MAD: Generative AI could break the internet

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) models like OpenAI's GPT-4o or Stability AI's Stable Diffusion are surprisingly capable at creating new text, code, images and videos. Training them, however, requires such vast amounts ...

Chronic cough may be hereditary, according to two new studies

Chronic cough is among the most common reasons for seeking medical care, with middle-aged women the group most affected. New studies at Uppsala University also show that this condition appears to be a hereditary phenomenon. ...

Accuracy of diagnostic blood tests for Alzheimer's disease varies

Neurologists diagnose cognitive impairment with a clinical exam of memory and thinking skills. To determine whether Alzheimer's disease is the cause of the cognitive impairment, evidence of the specific brain changes that ...

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Researchers identify unique phenomenon in Kagome metal

In traditional Japanese basket-weaving, the ancient "Kagome" design seen in many handcrafted creations is characterized by a symmetrical pattern of interlaced triangles with shared corners. In quantum physics, the Kagome ...

Engineers use machine learning to measure chaos in systems

How do we measure chaos and why would we want to? Together, Penn engineers Dani S. Bassett, J. Peter Skirkanich Professor in Bioengineering and in Electrical and Systems Engineering, and postdoctoral researcher Kieran Murphy ...

A new model to study regeneration of brown adipose tissues

The prevalence of obesity worldwide has led to an increase in the risk of metabolic diseases and socio-economical burdens. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) has been established as a promising therapeutic target to overcome obesity, ...

Gut protein may protect brain cells in Parkinson's disease

Nearly 10 million people worldwide suffer from Parkinson's disease (PD), a condition causing muscle rigidity and tremors due to the loss of the chemical dopamine in the brain. One cause of PD is exposure to toxins. In a recent ...

New research sheds light on river dynamics and cutoff regimes

How are rivers characterized? Traditional methods rely on plant forms and sedimentological techniques, focusing on deposits. Riccardo Maitan, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Padova, is developing a novel approach based ...

Mega-iceberg melt affects important marine ecosystem

Scientists have for the first time taken in-situ ocean measurements during the collapse of a giant iceberg in the sub-Antarctic. These new observations reveal how ocean ecosystems may be affected if more icebergs calve due ...

Rare footage reveals intimate family lives of blue whales

The intimate family lives of blue whales, including a blue whale nursing its calf underwater, has been revealed in extraordinary footage captured in a project led by an international marine ecologist from Charles Darwin University ...

Engineers send 3D printer into space

Imagine a crew of astronauts headed to Mars. About 140 million miles away from Earth, they discover their spacecraft has a cracked O-ring. But instead of relying on a dwindling cache of spare parts, what if they could simply ...