
High-temperature superconductivity: Exploring quadratic electron-phonon coupling

A new study published in Physical Review Letters (PRL) explores the potential of quadratic electron-phonon coupling to enhance superconductivity through the formation of quantum bipolarons.


Galaxy NGC 4696 hosts a complex globular cluster system, observations find

Using the Magellan Telescopes in Chile, astronomers have performed photometric observations of a giant elliptical galaxy known as NGC 4696. The observations reveal that the galaxy has a complex globular cluster system. The ...

An alternative way to manipulate quantum states

Researchers at ETH Zurich have shown that quantum states of single electron spins can be controlled by currents of electrons whose spins are evenly aligned. In the future, this method could be used in electronic circuit elements.

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LSD use tied to increased distress in unemployed job-seekers

Lifetime LSD use is associated with a higher likelihood of severe psychological distress after losing one's job, according to a new study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Benjamin Korman, formerly of the University ...

How calcium reduces macrocracking in sweet cherries

Researchers at the University of Hannover have uncovered new insights into the mode of action of calcium in the reduction of macrocracking in sweet cherry fruit. The findings shed light on the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, ...

When divided loyalties make for better executives

It's well-known that servants with two masters are often conflicted. But they can also be uniquely knowledgeable, especially when one master wants to know what the other is up to, or the interests of the two coincide.

Next-generation NASA technologies tested in flight

Teams of NASA researchers put their next-generation technologies to the microgravity test in a series of parabolic flights that aim to advance innovations supporting the agency's space exploration goals.

Economists reveal the costs of sanctions

What effect do economic sanctions have on the countries affected, such as Russia or Iran? What impact do they have on the sanctioning states? And is there possibly an ideal coalition of sanction partners? Economists from ...

Apple previews new software for iPhone, other gadgets

Apple kicked off its second annual all-virtual developer conference with a keynote that outlined new updates to its software for iPhones and other devices. The presentation highlighted more privacy options for paid iCloud ...

Yes, climate change is making wildfires worse

Three powerful wildfires are blazing in California. By Friday morning, the Camp fire had burned 70,000 acres in 24 hours, destroying Paradise, a community of about 26,000 people north of Sacramento.

Education does not always equal social mobility

Educators around the world, particularly those in secondary schools, often default to a compelling story when they are trying to motivate their students: Work hard, achieve well and you will secure a successful future with ...

NASA's ARIA maps California wildfires from space

California continues to be plagued by wildfires—including the Woolsey Fire near Los Angeles and the Camp Fire in Northern California, now one of the deadliest in the state's history. NASA satellites are observing these ...

New study: Parents put nature in the shopping basket

In a world of vast consumer choice, ambiguous product descriptions and self-appointed experts, parents face a minefield when picking out food, toys or other products for their children. A new qualitative study from the University ...

French firm refurbishes earnings via old iPhones

One company in northern France is doing its profitable best to give an environmental makeover to smartphones, whose circuitry, batteries and plastics have become a polluting blight over the past decade.