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Illuminating the unavoidable imperfections of nanostructures

A new study by a collaborative team from the University of Twente and the e-Science Center in Amsterdam compares the transmission of light through a utopian model with a real 3D nanostructure. These nanostructures are integral ...

Nanoplastics put stress on trees and impair photosynthesis

It is well known that more and more plastic waste is ending up in soil and bodies of water. Researchers are particularly concerned about tiny micro- and nano-sized particles. It remains unclear how and to what extent they ...

More news

A leap forward in nanotechnology: Growing special micro-crystals for better devices
Bio & Medicine
For first time, DNA tech offers both data storage and computing functions
Advancing nanoscale imaging capabilities with dynamic nuclear polarization
High speed, large-area deposition nanofilm production possible with new technique
World's first micromachine twists 2D materials at will
A world first: Qubit coherence decay traced to thermal dissipation
Low-cost flexible metasurfaces to increase the efficiency of optoelectronic devices
Twisted molecular wires exhibit high single-molecule conductance
Quality control: Neatly arranging crystal growth to make fine thin films
New computational methodology to predict the complex formation of interesting nanostructures
Morphable materials: Researchers coax nanoparticles to reconfigure themselves
Bio & Medicine
Researchers develop nanoparticle array implantation for sensitive and reusable detection
Unveiling the power of hot carriers in plasmonic nanostructures
Team develops method for control over single-molecule photoswitching
Bio & Medicine
Method to separate microplastics from water could also speed up blood analyses
Scientists create material that can take the temperature of nanoscale objects
Advanced microscopy method reveals hidden world of nanoscale optical metamaterials
Photolithography research shows computer chips have the potential to become even smaller
AI enhances chemical analysis at the nanoscale
Scientists achieve rapid upcycling of microplastics to graphene

Other news

Astronomers investigate the nature of a bright low-mass X-ray binary system
Plasma Physics
Measuring the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio in the deuterium-tritium reaction
Cell & Microbiology
Fungal spores of the mold Aspergillus fumigatus produce an enzyme that weakens the immune system
Plant e-skin enables continuous, non-invasive monitoring for precision farming
Paleontology & Fossils
Qunkasaura: New sauropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous discovered in the Iberian Peninsula
General Physics
Bridging quantum mechanics and cosmology: The role of the generalized uncertainty principle
Arctic microalgae show photosynthesis in near darkness is possible
H5N1 avian influenza virus found in multiple bird species in Antarctica
Feeder-free induced pluripotent stem cells show promise for chronic kidney disease therapies in cats
Molecular & Computational biology
Chemists explain why dinosaur collagen may have survived for millions of years
Organic phosphate isotopes method offers a new way to track pollutants in the environment
Cell & Microbiology
Newly discovered viruses in parasitic nematodes could change our understanding of how they cause disease
Earth Sciences
Study reveals shifting influence of El Niño on central Asia's rainfall
Analytical Chemistry
Assorted, distinctive behavior of molten uranium salt revealed by neutrons
Beef industry can reduce emissions by up to 30%, says new research
Space Exploration
SpaceX Polaris Dawn mission set to launch early Friday
General Physics
Supercomputer simulations provide new insights into calcium-48's controversial nuclear magnetic excitation
Earth Sciences
Tropical forests face increased soil carbon loss due to climate change
Cell & Microbiology
Drosophila study discovers mechanism that could control longevity, cancer cell production
Optics & Photonics
The world's fastest single-shot 2D imaging technique films ultrafast dynamics in flames

Stabilizing mRNA vaccines for delivery to cells

Vaccines and therapies based on messenger RNA could be more readily delivered due to a non-toxic polymer that protects RNA and controls its release inside cells.

Research team discovers two-dimensional waveguides

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), in collaboration with Kansas State University, has discovered slab waveguides based on the two-dimensional material hexagonal boron nitride. This milestone has been reported in the ...

Nanodiamonds could hold key to cool clothing

Researchers from RMIT University are using nanodiamonds to create smart textiles that can cool people down faster. Their study, published in the journal Polymers for Advanced Technologies, found fabric made from cotton coated ...

Engineering a coating for disease-free produce

Dr. Mustafa Akbulut, professor of chemical engineering, has teamed up with horticultural science professor Luis Cisneros-Zevallos to engineer longer-lasting, bacteria-free produce.

Overcoming fine process limits with linker ion affinity

A research team has employed linker ions to pioneer a three-dimensional microprinting technology applicable to inorganic substances and other various materials. The work is published in the journal Nature Communications.