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Scientists assess how large dinosaurs could really get

A new study by Dr. Jordan Mallon of the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Canada and Dr. David Hone of Queen Mary University of London, U.K., looks at the maximum possible sizes of dinosaurs. It is published in the journal ...

Research tracks 66 million years of mammalian diversity

When trying to understand the present, it's helpful to look to history. New research from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln examined the fossil record going back 66 million years and tracked changes to mammalian ecosystems ...

More news

Paleontology & Fossils
How old are South African fossils like the Taung Child? Study offers an answer
Paleontology & Fossils
Gnatalie is the only green-boned dinosaur found on the planet. She will be on display in LA
Paleontology & Fossils
3D genome extracted from 'freeze-dried' woolly mammoth
New geological dating techniques place first European hominins in Iberian Peninsula 1.3 million years ago
Molecular & Computational biology
First ever 3D reconstruction of 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth chromosomes thanks to serendipitously freeze-dried skin
Paleontology & Fossils
Stegosaurus skeleton to fetch millions at New York auction
Paleontology & Fossils
A new species of extinct crocodile relative rewrites life on the Triassic coastline
Paleontology & Fossils
Research reveals the most complete dinosaur discovered in the UK in a century
Paleontology & Fossils
Australian amber has revealed 'living fossils' traced back to Gondwana 42 million years ago
Paleontology & Fossils
Life underground suited newly discovered dinosaur, study finds
Ancient large kangaroo moved mainly on four legs, according to new research
Shedding light on Scotland's first 'almost-mammal,' Saurodesmus robertsoni
Ancient dingo DNA shows modern dingoes share little ancestry with modern dog breeds
Paleontology & Fossils
Fossils show huge salamanderlike predator with sharp fangs existed before the dinosaurs
Paleontology & Fossils
Giant salamander-like creature was a top predator in the ice age before the dinosaurs
Paleontology & Fossils
Team plans 3D modeling project for France's natural history collections
Small change in Earth's oxygen levels may have sparked huge evolutionary leap
Paleontology & Fossils
An Arizona museum tells the stories of ancient animals through their fossilized poop
Plants & Animals
Sixty-million-year-old grape seeds reveal how the death of the dinosaurs may have paved the way for grapes to spread
Paleontology & Fossils
Fossil insects help to reconstruct the past—how I ended up studying them (and you can too)

Other news

Earth Sciences
Underwater mapping reveals new insights into melting of Antarctica's ice shelves
Research team achieves faster and more efficient synthesis of high-density RNA microarrays
3D models provide unprecedented look at corals' response to bleaching events
Social Sciences
Study finds white Western women have lower body appreciation and greater media pressure to look thin
Materials Science
Scientists discover unexpected behavior in dimers of CO₂ molecules after ionization
Analytical Chemistry
Probing carbon capture, atom-by-atom with machine-learning model
Planetary Sciences
Additional planet orbiting the star TOI-1408 discovered
Quantum Physics
A new technique to calculate the physical running of couplings in quadratic gravity
Earth Sciences
Volcanoes and wine: Eruptions reduced historical Moselle Valley vineyard production
Plants & Animals
New discoveries regarding tomato hormones can increase total yield
Earth Sciences
Strong El Niño makes European winters easier to forecast
Green hydrogen: 'Artificial leaf' becomes better under pressure
Optics & Photonics
Physicists use light to probe deeper into the 'invisible' energy states of molecules
New technique measures superconductivity at very high pressures
Optics & Photonics
Bright prospects for engineering quantum light
Newly discovered sheets of nanoscale 'cubes' found to be efficient catalysts
Woman buried 12,000 years ago in Turkey may have been a shaman
Space Exploration
One year on 'Mars': Inside NASA's ultra-realistic isolation study
PFAS found in nearly all fish tested from four northern Illinois rivers
Earth Sciences
Recent volcanic 'fires' in Iceland began with vast magma pooling just beneath the surface, scientists report

French museum employee sold stolen fossils online

A French employee at the Orleans Museum of Natural History was found guilty and handed a three-month suspended sentence for stealing hundreds of stones and fossils dating back to the Neolithic era and selling them on eBay.

Fossils of early tetrapods unearthed in Scotland

(—A team of researchers working at a dig site in Scotland has found tetrapod fossils dated to approximately 15 million years after the Devonian mass extinction—a time period experts in the field have referred ...

Fish fossils reveal how tails evolved

Despite their obvious physical differences, elephants, lizards and trout all have something in common. They possess elongated, flexible structures at the rear of their bodies that we call tails. But a new study by a University ...

Fossils under your feet: Ancient sea cow found in Spanish street

Have you ever spotted something unexpected while walking down the street? Last December, paleontologists literally stumbled upon a new discovery of a fossil sea cow in a very unexpected place - in a limestone paving stone ...

Ancient reptile fossils claw for more attention

Newly recovered fossils confirm that Drepanosaurus, a prehistoric cross between a chameleon and an anteater, was a small reptile with a fearsome finger. The second digit of its forelimb sported a massive claw.