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Researchers sequence the genome of the spur-thighed tortoise

Like many threatened land turtle species, the spur-thighed tortoise had no complete genome. Now for the first time, researchers from the Ecology departments at Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) and the University ...

How viruses move through insects for transmission of diseases

Viruses are master parasites that have adapted to infect many host species. Some viruses even use multiple hosts to spread their infections—such as arboviruses that use insects to move their infections to mammalian hosts ...

Unlocking plant defense: Bacterial hijacking exposed

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum poses a severe threat to agriculture worldwide, affecting numerous crops. The pathogen's arsenal of type III effectors (T3Es) enables it to manipulate host defense mechanisms, ...

Boosting cannabis production: The science behind bud abundance

Cannabis sativa is highly valued for its cannabinoids, which are primarily produced in female inflorescences. However, the genetic control of inflorescence development remains largely unexplored, posing a significant challenge ...

Glitch in protein synthesis could affect tumor growth

During protein synthesis, or translation, genetic information transcribed in the cell's mRNA directs the stringing together of amino acids—the building blocks of proteins. As the translation machinery carouses along the ...

How context-specific factors control gene activity

Every cell in our body contains the same DNA, yet liver cells are different from brain cells, and skin cells differ from muscle cells. What determines these differences? It all comes down to gene regulation; essentially how ...

More news

Molecular & Computational biology
Crystallized alternative DNA structure sheds light on insulin and diabetes
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists uncover mechanism preserving centromere during cell division
Molecular & Computational biology
Antibody-like molecule shows promise for broad-spectrum malaria therapy
Molecular & Computational biology
Elevating analysis of genomic data with advanced mathematical techniques
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers discover an effective and environment-friendly disinfectant
Study reveals new female-determining pathway in turtles
Cell & Microbiology
'Ice bucket challenge' reveals that bacteria can anticipate the seasons
Role of long noncoding RNAs in skin provides important insights for evolution
Molecular simulations and supercomputing shed light on energy-saving biomaterials
Molecular & Computational biology
Making sense of crime scene DNA patterns
Cell & Microbiology
Monoclonal antibody neutralizes numerous COVID-19 variants
Plants & Animals
Study finds genetic difference that determines head shape and feeding strategy in beetles
Genome analyses show melanins are particularly important for lichens
Molecular & Computational biology
AI meets biophysics: New approach identifies critical interaction points in cancer-related proteins
Cell & Microbiology
New mRNA and gene editing tools offer hope for dengue virus treatment
Cell & Microbiology
Decoding the language of cells with the power of proteomics
Researchers develop molecular biosensors that only light up upon binding to their targets
Cell & Microbiology
Algorithm maps protein degradation patterns to improve infection diagnosis and treatment
Cell & Microbiology
Cohesion at the cellular level is flexible yet stable, study shows
Plants & Animals
Regulatory gene influences shape recognition in medaka fish, scientists discover

Other news

Archaeologists discover an ancient Neanderthal lineage that remained isolated for over 50,000 years
General Physics
Discovery of a new phase of matter in 2D defies normal statistical mechanics
General Physics
Scientists cool positronium to near absolute zero for antimatter research
Carbohydrate polymers could be a sweet solution for water purification
Earth Sciences
Oceans absorb 6% more carbon thanks to rain, study reveals
Astronomers track bubbles on star's surface
Analytical Chemistry
Chromium doping enhances catalyst performance for faster oxygen evolution
Astronomers discover a long-hidden small black hole in an unusually evolved binary system
Ancient DNA from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) refutes best-selling population collapse theory
Spectrophotometric study explores an early-type dwarf galaxy
Quantum Physics
Google Quantum AI demonstrates a quantum memory system that greatly reduces error rates
Plants & Animals
Cleaner wrasse check their body size in mirror before deciding whether to fight, research demonstrates
Space Exploration
Voyager 1 team accomplishes tricky thruster swap
New measurements of gravitational anomaly at low acceleration favor modified gravity, researcher claims
Multiple ways to evolve tiny knee bone could have helped humans walk upright
General Physics
First neutrinos detected at Fermilab short-baseline detector
Thanks to humans, Salish Sea waters are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully
General Physics
Science fair project leads to new research explaining the glugging effect
Planetary Sciences
Cloud atlas of Mars showcases array of atmospheric phenomena
Social Sciences
Streamlining energy regulations on Native American reservations could help alleviate poverty

New study uncovers how hydrogen provided energy at life's origin

Hydrogen gas is a clean fuel. It burns with oxygen in the air to provide energy with no CO2. Hydrogen is a key to sustainable energy for the future. Though humans are just now coming to realize the benefits of hydrogen gas ...

Computer model helps grape growers adapt to shorter winters

As the climate changes, winter is shortening, causing vines and trees to bud earlier in the year, thereby increasing the chances they will be exposed to spring cold snaps and frost that can be hazardous to yields.

Engineers manage a first: Measuring pH in cell condensates

Scientists trying to understand the physical and chemical properties that govern biomolecular condensates now have a crucial way to measure pH and other emergent properties of these enigmatic, albeit important, cellular compartments.