Manipulating single atoms with an electron beam

All matter is composed of atoms, which are too small to see without powerful modern instruments including electron microscopes. The same electrons that form images of atomic structures can also be used to move atoms in materials. ...

New transmission microscope for low-energy electrons

Physicist Daniël Geelen (Leiden University) has developed a new microscope that uses low-energy electrons. Those are less harmful to biological and organic materials. Geelen defended his Ph.D. thesis on May 31st.

Watching nanomaterials form in 4-D

When famed physicists Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska first introduced the transmission electron microscope (TEM) in 1933, it allowed researchers to peer inside cells, microorganisms and particles that were once too small to study.

Researchers develop spectroscopic thermometer for nanomaterials

A scientific team led by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found a new way to take the local temperature of a material from an area about a billionth of a meter wide, or approximately 100,000 times ...

New method enables high-resolution measurements of magnetism

In a new article, published in Nature Materials, researchers from Beijing, Uppsala and Jülich have made significant progress allowing very high resolution magnetic measurements. With their method it is possible to measure ...

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