Behind the puppy-dog eyes

Eye contact between dingoes and humans reveals clues of the domestication process.

Minor genetic change creates unattractive female moths

Sex pheromones are chemical compounds released by an organism to attract potential mates. For moths in particular these sex pheromones are very important for mate recognition, as they rely completely on scent signal rather ...

Media stereotypes confound kids' science ambitions

White lab coats and dangerous experiments all epitomize the "mad scientist" from many a Hollywood blockbuster but, even beyond the silver screen, the stereotype lives on, and according to new research, it could mar the next ...

Infographic: How not to lose a spacecraft

ESA's ultra-precise deep-space navigation technique – Delta-DOR – tells us where spacecraft are, accurate to within a few hundred metres, even at a distance of 100,000,000 km.

Advanced mouse embryos grown outside the uterus

To observe how a tiny ball of identical cells on its way to becoming a mammalian embryo first attaches to an awaiting uterine wall and then develops into nervous system, heart, stomach and limbs: This has been a highly-sought ...

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