Cell editors correct genetic errors

Almost all land plants employ an army of cellular editors who correct errors in their genetic information. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now transferred parts of this machinery into a bacterium. Their results ...

Picture this: Digital album puts focus on kids' health

(PhysOrg.com) -- Modern moms and dads snap thousands of photos, recording every drooling smile and flailing attempt to crawl. Until now, this frenzy of activity could be one more thing distracting parents from monitoring ...

Researchers improve accuracy of synthetic clock

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers with Harvard University and the University of Cambridge has successfully improved the accuracy of a synthetic clock known as a repressilator. In their paper published in the journal Nature, ...

Researchers take two steps toward green fuel

An international collaboration led by scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) , Japan, has developed a two-step method to more efficiently break down carbohydrates into their single sugar components, ...

Altered carbon points toward sustainable manufacturing

The recent spike in food prices isn't just bad news for your grocery bill. It also impacts the sugars used in biomanufacturing, which, by the way, isn't quite as green as scientists and climate advocates expected. Surging ...

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