Life support cooked up from lunar rocks

Engineers have successfully shown how water and oxygen can be extracted by cooking up lunar soil, in order to support future Moon bases. A laboratory demonstrator, developed by a consortium of the Politecnico Milano, the ...

Why can't snakes blink?

Spoiler alert: if you ever find yourself engaged in a staring contest with a snake, you'll lose.

Rare primate's vocal lip-smacks share features of human speech

The vocal lip-smacks that geladas use in friendly encounters have surprising similarities to human speech, according to a study reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on April 8th. The geladas, which live only ...

Small steps can improve your health and wealth

( -- Just as a team can achieve more than an individual, so can resolutions to improve your health and to improve your finances reinforce each other, say Montana State University Extension specialists.

Record-breaking chemical reactivity with nanometer-scale sponge

Catalysts are often solid materials whose surface comes into contact with gases or liquids, thereby enabling certain chemical reactions. However, this means that any atoms of the catalyst that are not on the surface serve ...

Peacock colors inspire 'greener' way to dye clothes

"Fast fashion" might be cheap, but its high environmental cost from dyes polluting the water near factories has been well documented. To help stem the tide of dyes from entering streams and rivers, scientists report in the ...

Looking to sea urchins for stronger ceramic foams

Ling Li, assistant professor in Virginia Tech's Department of Mechanical Engineering, has unlocked a mystery in the porous microstructures of sea urchin exoskeletons that could lead to the creation of lightweight synthetic ...

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