Revealing how an embryo's cells sync up

Scientists have known that when a mouse embryo is developing, the cells that will become its spine and muscles switch specific genes on and off repeatedly, in a synchronous fashion. However, there are deep mysteries about ...

Structural insight into process of gene regulation

In the cell nucleus, numerous proteins bind to the DNA molecule in order to regulate the activity of certain genes. One of these is the TATA-box binding protein (TBP), which binds to a specific DNA sequence and constitutes ...

Cryo-electron microscopy captures structure of a protein pump

Hailey-Hailey disease is a rare, inherited condition characterized by patches of blisters appearing mainly in the skin folds of the arm pits, groin and under the breasts. It is caused by a mutation in the gene that codes ...

Bacterial enzyme traps and breaks down PFAS molecules

Highly nondegradable chemicals such as PFAS and pesticides can have useful properties in some situations, but are extremely difficult for nature to remove afterwards. Now researchers from Aarhus University have found that ...

How a single-gene change led to a new species of monkeyflower

Monkeyflowers glow in a rich assortment of colors, from yellow to pink to deep red-orange. But about 5 million years ago, some of them lost their yellow. In the Feb. 10 issue of Science, UConn botanists explain what happened ...

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