The new green alternative for drug production

Most of the processes for the production of drugs, pesticides and smartphone displays are cost-intensive and generate a large amount of waste. Scientists at the University of Göttingen have now succeeded in developing a ...

Multifunctional dream ceramic matrix composites are born

Researchers at Osaka University have produced composites consisting of alumina (AI2O3) ceramics and titanium (Ti), namely AI2O3/Ti composites. They designed a percolation structure for forming a continuous conduction pathway ...

Scientists form flat tellurium

In the way things often happens in science, Amey Apte wasn't looking for two-dimensional tellurium while experimenting with materials at Rice University. But there it was.

Heterometallic copper-aluminum super atom discovered

On the outside, a cluster of 55 copper and aluminum atoms looks like a crystal, but chemically, it has the properties of an atom. The heterometallic superatom, which chemists of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have ...

New database catalogues plants that soak up contamination

Hyperaccumulators are unusual plants that can absorb much larger amounts of metal compounds in their leaves and stems than normal plants, and they are very useful for cleaning up contaminated land. As described in a New Phytologist ...

Carbon-carbon bond formation using flow chemistry

(—Traditionally, C-C bond forming reactions require the use of a precious metal, such as palladium, to catalyze the reaction. Precious metals are expensive and because pharmaceutical ingredients require a very ...

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