Spotted lanternflies found to be flyers, not gliders

The spotted lanternfly is not a strong or frequent flyer, weaknesses that may hinder its ability to travel long distances by air, according to researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.

DNA sleuth hunts wine roots in Anatolia

There are easier places to make wine than the spectacular, desolate landscapes of southeast Turkey, but DNA analysis suggests it is here that Stone Age farmers first domesticated the wine grape.

Researchers map North American wild grape pangenome

Wild North American grapes are now less of a mystery after an international team of researchers led by the University of California, Davis, decoded and cataloged the genetic diversity of nine species of this valuable wine ...

Satellites can help to grow the perfect grape

A little water is needed to make wine, but how do you know when enough is enough? ESA’s GrapeLook service can give you the answer.   GrapeLook uses satellites to help decide how much to water vineyards, and when.

History of the Champagne vineyards revealed

Although the reputation of Champagne is well established, the history of Champagne wines and vineyards is poorly documented. However, a research team led by scientists from the CNRS and the Université de Montpellier at the ...

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