Sustaining roads with grape and agricultural waste

The U.S. spends $5 billion a year to repair damages to road infrastructure from winter snow and ice control operations and the use of traditional deicers. A team of researchers at WSU is developing a more sustainable solution ...

Okinawan sea grapes reveal secrets of plant evolution

If you've ever dined on the tropical island of Okinawa, Japan, your plate may have been graced by a remarkable pile of seaweed, each strand adorned with tiny green bubbles. Known as umi-budo or sea grapes, the salty snack ...

Wine dregs shown to improve cows' milk

Feeding dairy cows the stems, seeds and skins from wine grapes boosts milk production and dramatically cuts the animal's methane emissions, Australian researched published Thursday shows.

Botrytis 'noble rot' fungus reprograms wine grape metabolism

For hundreds of years, the fungus Botrytis cinerea has been key to making the world's finest dessert wines. Now UC Davis researchers working with Dolce Winery in the Napa Valley show how the fungus changes plant metabolism ...

Researchers develop two new grape varieties

Two newly released grape varieties, developed collaboratively between Cornell AgriTech and Sun World International, a global fruit genetics and licensing company, offer new flavors for consumers and better growing characteristics ...

Israel discovers large Byzantine-era wine press

(AP) -- Israeli archaeologists said Monday that they've discovered an unusually shaped 1,400-year-old wine press that was exceptionally large and advanced for its time.

Robots to revolutionize US farms, ease labor woes (Update)

Researchers are now designing robots for the last frontier of agricultural mechanization—fruits and vegetables destined for the U.S. fresh market, which have resisted mechanization because they're sensitive to bruising.

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