Genomic study reveals clues to wild past of grapes

About 22,000 years ago, as the ice sheets that consumed much of North America and Europe began retreating, humans started to consume a fruit that today brings joy to millions of wine drinkers around the world: grapes.

Scientists get to the root of ancient case of sour grapes

( -- Scientists in Cambridge have discovered that a lowly grape variety grown by peasants - but despised by noblemen - during the Middle Ages was the mother of many of today’s greatest grape varieties, including ...

'Lab on a chip' to measure water stress in plants

( -- Fifteen years ago, when Alan Lakso first sought to enlist Cornell's nanofabrication laboratory to develop a tiny sensor that would measure water stress in grapevines, the horticultural sciences professor ...

Time is ripe for wine grapes

CSIRO researchers have discovered a new method growers could use to control when their grapes ripen, without affecting wine quality.

Drought response in grapes studied

A student's scholarship-winning project at South Dakota State University may help scientists better understand how grapes and other plants respond to drought.

Sequencing study lifts veil on wine's microbial terroir

( —It's widely accepted that terroir—the unique blend of a vineyard's soils, water and climate—sculpts the flavor and quality of wine. Now a new study led by UC Davis researchers offers evidence that grapes ...

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