Exploring lysosomal biology: Current approaches and methods

Lysosomes are critical for cellular degradation, characterized by their acidic pH and array of hydrolytic enzymes. They degrade materials through endocytosis, phagocytosis, and autophagy, recycling essential components. Lysosomes ...

Developing a machine learning model to explore DNA methylation

A Northwestern Medicine study has detailed the development of a machine learning model to predict DNA methylation status in cell-free DNA by its fragmentation patterns, according to findings published in Nature Communications.

New tool helps decipher gene behavior

Scientists have extensively researched the structure and sequence of genetic material and its interactions with proteins in the hope of understanding how our genetics and environment interact with diseases. This research ...

New method for identifying bacteria more easily

Far too many antibiotics are used around the world. As a result, bacteria are becoming resistant to these drugs. Curing bacterial diseases is becoming more difficult than before because antibiotics are perhaps our foremost ...

Jurassic Park: Why we're still struggling to realize it 30 years on

"Jurassic Park" is arguably the ultimate Hollywood blockbuster. Aside from the appeal of human-chomping dinosaurs, tense action sequences and ground-breaking cinematography, its release in 1993 was a movies-meet-science milestone.

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