Related topics: genome · protein · cells · mutations · gene expression

Weedy rice gets competitive boost from its wild neighbors

Rice feeds the world. But a look-alike weed has many ways of getting ahead. Weedy rice is an agricultural pest with a global economic impact. It is an aggressive weed that outcompetes cultivated rice and causes billions of ...

How microbes may help mitigate mercury absorption

New research by a team at Pennsylvania State University suggests that microbes in the human gut could be harnessed to help the body absorb useful nutritional metals—like iron, which is critical for red blood cells—and ...

Gene expression technology set to semi-automation

The Human Genome Project generated the first sequence of the human genome, revealing a kind of blueprint of human biology. Two decades later, the field of gene regulatory networks describes a complex system where thousands ...

Researchers identify female sex determining gene in mice

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and the Université Cote d'Azur, together with other labs in France and Switzerland, have identified a gene which is an early determining factor of ovary development in mice.

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