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Study shows genes are read faster and more sloppily in old age

Fast but sloppy, that's how the transcription of genes changes with age. Six research groups from the University of Cologne Cluster of Excellence on Cellular Stress Responses in Age-Associated Diseases (CECAD), the Max Planck ...

Study compares de novo proteins with randomly produced proteins

Proteins are components of every cell. How they have changed in the course of evolution for the purpose of taking on new functions in the body, has long been a subject of research. The fact that proteins can emerge practically ...

Study reveals that bats experience hearing loss in old age

Many mammals suffer hearing loss in old age, but bats were thought to be immune to this phenomenon because of the importance of hearing for echolocation. However, researchers in Israel have discovered that bats lose their ...

Scientists see anti-aging potential in an invasive weed

The fruit of the cocklebur plant, which grows worldwide and is often considered a noxious weed, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components that could make it useful as a skin protectant, according to new research.

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