Why do egg whites turn white when you cook them?

When you crack open a raw egg, the egg white isn't white at all—it's more like a clear jelly. So why does it turn white when you cook it? Does that make it safe to eat? And what about egg yolks?

Plants as efficient antifungal factories

Researchers report that they can efficiently produce antifungal proteins in plants based on a modified tobacco mosaic virus. The results of this research, which could have a major impact in the agri-food industry, have been ...

New graphene-based sensor design could improve food safety

In the U.S., more than 100 food recalls were issued in 2017 because of contamination from harmful bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella or E. coli. A new sensor design could one day make it easier to detect pathogens in ...

Blockchain systems are tracking food safety and origins

When a Chinese consumer buys a package labeled "Australian beef," there's only a 50-50 chance the meat inside is, in fact, Australian beef. It could just as easily contain rat, dog, horse or camel meat – or a mixture of ...

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