Banned pesticides in Europe's rivers

Tests of Europe's rivers and canals have revealed more than 100 pesticides—including 24 that are not licensed for use in the EU.

Glyphosate under fire from San Francisco to Sri Lanka

Glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide and the active ingredient in Monsanto's weedkiller Roundup, is the subject of fierce controversy across the globe and is classified by the World Health Organization as "probably" ...

Jury begins deliberations in Roundup trial phase 2

"Monsanto knew" its weedkiller Roundup was carcinogenic yet sold it anyway, the lawyer for an American retiree said on the last day of a trial to determine the agriculture giant's culpability for his cancer.

The effects of climate change on water shortages

If global temperatures continue to rise, rainfall will increasingly become a beast of extremes: long dry spells here, dangerous floods there – and in some places, intense water shortages. As early as 2025, the World Health ...

US regulators clear path for genetically modified salmon

U.S. regulators on Friday gave the green light to salmon genetically modified to grow about twice as fast as normal, but the company behind it may face legal challenges before the fish can be sold domestically.

EU Court says public must have access to weed killer studies

An EU high court says that the European Food Safety Authority should not have refused the public access to studies on the possible harmful effect of the weed killer glyphosate on humans—documents that were used in a decision ...

Why does food cook faster in a pressure cooker?

Electric pressure cookers like the Instant Pot have grown in popularity in recent years. One reason for this is that they allow people to prepare meals more quickly. But a lot of people aren't sure why electric and stovetop ...

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