Fast, reliable test for microorganism contamination

Food and water-borne illnesses are a common concern around the world. Every year hundreds of millions of water, beverage and food samples need to be tested to detect harmful bacteria.

Made in Fukushima: Japan farmers struggle to win trust

The pumpkin is diced, the chicken carved and the eggs beaten into an omelette, but the people preparing the food are not chefs—they are scientists testing produce from Japan's Fukushima region.

How blockchain technology could transform the food industry

There has been a lot of noise on cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin of late. While some suggest cryptocurrencies are a fraud, others believe them to be the next biggest economic revolution the world has seen since the internet. ...

Scientists develop groundnut resistant to aflatoxin

Scientists at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, in St. Louis, MO and their collaborators at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, United States Department ...

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