Related topics: cells

Deep learning democratizes nano-scale imaging

Many problems in physical and biological sciences as well as engineering rely on our ability to monitor objects or processes at nano-scale, and fluorescence microscopy has been used for decades as one of our most useful information ...

New method gives microscope a boost in resolution

Scientists at the University of Würzburg have been able to boost current super-resolution microscopy by a novel tweak. They coated the glass cover slip as part of the sample carrier with tailor-made biocompatible nanosheets ...

Taking a close look at bacteria

Yong Wang, assistant professor of physics, and graduate student Asmaa Sadoon have been studying how molecules travel through bacterial cytoplasm in order to understand more about how these tiny organisms function. Using new ...

Researchers push the boundaries of optical microscopy

The field of optical microscopy research has developed rapidly in recent years. Thanks to the invention of a technique called super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, it has recently become possible to view even the smaller ...

Super-resolution microscopy: Getting even closer to the limit

Ralf Jungmann is interested in processes that take place within unbelievably tiny spatial dimensions. Jungmann holds a professorship in experimental physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich, and heads a ...

Visualizing single molecules in whole cells with a new spin

Cell biologists traditionally use fluorescent dyes to label and visualize cells and the molecules within them under a microscope. With different super-resolution microscopy methods, they can even light up single molecules ...

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