Are there enough fish to go around?

Scientists from the University of York have released a report highlighting the gap between declining wild fish supplies and healthy eating advice recommending more seafood.

Fulminating parasites that affect the production of tilapia

Veracruz is the main producing state of mojarra-tilapia in the country, activity performed around 639 fish farms in 120 municipalities. For internal consumption, the state demands 15 thousand tons per year. The supply is ...

Genetically tracking farmed fish escaping into the wild

European sea product consumption is on the rise. With overfishing being a threat to the natural balance of the ocean, the alternative is to turn to aquaculture, the industrial production of fish and seafood. But this raises ...

New technology can prevent salmon lice

The battle against salmon lice is being waged on many fronts, including the technological front. Simple and advanced solutions alike can be effective.

Increased use of medicines in Norwegian fish farming

The increase in sales of agents to treat sea lice infestations continued in 2013. However, sales of antibacterials showed a reduction compared to the previous year. Sales of anthelmintics showed a slight increase compared ...

Physiological fish reactions biomarker for water quality

A research project developed by the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) and the School of Forestry at the Technical University of Madrid has studied how to use fish farms to detect ...

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