Related topics: protein · cells · bacteria · chemical reactions · cancer

Bacterial enzyme traps and breaks down PFAS molecules

Highly nondegradable chemicals such as PFAS and pesticides can have useful properties in some situations, but are extremely difficult for nature to remove afterwards. Now researchers from Aarhus University have found that ...

Role of light in the enzymatic breakdown of plant biomass

It is well known that light stimulates the breakdown of plant material and other biomass in nature, but it has not been clear exactly how. Recently, researchers at NMBU have uncovered possible explanations. Their latest findings ...

Reconstructing the evolutionary history of detoxifying enzymes

Our body produces lots of enzymes that break down toxic substances. One class of such enzymes are the flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs), which are present in all tetrapods. Humans have five different FMO genes, of which ...

AI conjures proteins that speed up chemical reactions

For the first time, scientists have used machine learning to create brand-new enzymes, which are proteins that accelerate chemical reactions. This is an important step in the field of protein design, as new enzymes could ...

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