Related topics: surface · water

Designer emulsions

ETH material researchers are developing a method with which they can coat droplets with controlled interfacial composition and coverage on demand in an emulsion in order to stabilise them. In doing so they are fulfilling ...

Researchers simplify tiny structures' construction drip by drip

Popping the top on house paint usually draws people to look inside the can. But Princeton researchers have turned their gaze upward, to the underside of the lid, where it turns out that pattern of droplets could inspire new ...

Gold 'micro jewels' from the 3-D printer

Thanks to a laser technique that ejects ultra-tiny droplets of metal, it is now possible to print 3-D metal structures—not only simple 'piles' of droplets, but complex overhanging structures, as well, like a helix measuring ...

African smoke-cloud connection target of NASA airborne flights

Over the southeast Atlantic Ocean, a 2,000-mile-long plume of smoke from African agricultural fires meets a near-permanent cloud bank offshore. Their meeting makes a natural laboratory for studying the interactions between ...

Video: What makes tardigrades such great survivors

Tardigrades are tiny animals that can live in water droplets just about anywhere. When those water droplets dry out, tardigrades undergo an astonishing transformation to survive the lack of water.

Scientists get the drop on the cell's nucleus

A team of physicists has devised a novel strategy that uses naturally occurring motions inside the human cell nucleus to measure the physical properties of the nucleus and its components. The method, which reveals that human ...

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