Related topics: stem cells ยท cells

The science of why hawks are one of nature's deadliest hunters

The sight of hundreds of thousands of bats streaming from their roost at dusk is one of nature's great spectacles. Swarms can be so dense they resemble rising smoke at a distance. But the aerial antics of the birds of prey ...

Determining how and why cells make decisions

Cells are constantly making decisions that lead to differentiation. For instance, cells in an embryo make a series of decisions that determine whether they will become neurons in some cases and muscle cells in others. How ...

Understanding how a cell becomes a person, with math

We all start from a single cell, the fertilized egg. From this cell, through a process involving cell division, cell differentiation and cell death a human being takes shape, ultimately made up of over 37 trillion cells across ...

Deep learning from a dynamical viewpoint

NUS mathematicians have developed a new theoretical framework based on dynamical systems to understand when and how a deep neural network can learn arbitrary relationships.

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