Structures in seaweed shed light on sustainability

Brown algae are not just seaweed that float in the ocean and tangle swimmers' feet—they also contains a secret. In its cell wall, brown algae hold the polysaccharide alginate, one of the most abundant carbohydrates in the ...

How cells get moving

Archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes are what biologists call the three domains of life. Of these three, archaea form an important link within the evolutionary theory. They are the direct ancestors of eukaryotes, but resemble ...

Modified cancer drug effective against multi-resistant bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are increasingly the source of deadly infections. A team of scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig have ...

Research offers insight into how oldest fossils formed

Researchers at the The University of Western Australia have uncovered evidence of a new type of fossilization that may explain how some of Earth's oldest microfossils formed and might even help scientists detect evidence ...

Study uncovers a plant barrier against toxic aluminum

Aluminum toxicity has long been known to damage plant cells and inhibit the growth of plants. Aluminum is widely found in soils that are too acidic, and as human activities have increased soil acidity across the globe, aluminum ...

Bacteria must be 'stressed out' to divide

A new study from EPFL scientists has found that bacteria use mechanical forces to divide, along with biological factors. The research, led by the groups of John McKinney and Georg Fantner at EPFL, came after recent studies ...

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