The vast little library inside your cells

The human genome can be thought of as a massive library, containing over 20,000 different "instruction manuals": your genes. For example, there are genes which contain information to build a brain cell, a skin cell, a white ...

Researchers film fundamental life process at cellular level

All proteins in a cell are assembled by complicated molecular machines. The precursors of these ribosomes are produced in the cell nucleus and then enter the cell through the so-called nuclear pores. Researchers at the University ...

New insights into how KLF4 influences gene expression

A team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine has discovered a mechanism by which transcription factor KLF4 can help to organize chromatin, thus influencing gene expression.

Interior organization of the nucleolus discovered

The nucleolus—a conspicuous but obscure organelle within the cell nucleus—is normally too compact to be studied in detail. Researchers at Case Western Reserve University just learned how to simplify its structure in living ...

How promiscuous protein droplets regulate immune genes

Biochemists at Emory are achieving insights into how an important regulator of the immune system switches its function, based on its orientation and local environment. New research demonstrates that the glucocorticoid receptor ...

How proteins bind 'hidden' DNA

How can proteins bind DNA in the cell nucleus, where it is present in form of chromatin, tightly wrapped around histones and therefore mostly inaccessible? Recently, several studies began to uncover the various strategies ...

Universal mechanism of regulation in plant cells discovered

All plant cells obtain their energy mainly from two organelles they contain—chloroplasts (responsible for photosynthesis) and mitochondria (responsible for the biochemical cycle of respiration that converts sugars into ...

Microscopy deep learning predicts viral infections

When viruses infect a cell, changes in the cell nucleus occur, and these can be observed through fluorescence microscopy. Using fluoresence images made in live cells, researchers at the University of Zurich have trained an ...

Controlling insulin production with a smartwatch

Many modern fitness trackers and smartwatches feature integrated LEDs. The green light emitted, whether continuous or pulsed, penetrates the skin and can be used to measure the wearer's heart rate during physical activity ...

Resetting the biological clock by flipping a switch

The biological clock is present in almost all cells of an organism. As more and more evidence emerges that clocks in certain organs could be out of sync, there is a need to investigate and reset these clocks locally. Scientists ...

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