Related topics: consumers ยท journal of consumer research

Study examines marketing deception's role in consumer thinking

Heavily marketed as a safer, healthful alternative to smoking, electronic cigarettes are under fire from California health officials who have declared "vaping" a public health threat, hoping to head off the type of deceptive ...

Buying cars: Do product features matter more than brands?

It is a popular belief among marketers that online searches for brand names are good indicators of which products consumers plan to buy. But a new study in the Journal of Marketing suggests that searches for specific features ...

Consumer loyalty driven by aesthetics over functionality

When designing a new car, manufacturers might try to attract consumers with more horsepower, increased fuel efficiency or a lower price point. But new research from San Francisco State University shows consumers' loyalty ...

Apple, Google brands 'worth $100 billion each'

The US Apple and Google brands which have become household names around the globe are worth more than $100 billion each, and top a ranking of the world's biggest brands, consultancy Interbrand said on Thursday.

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