Social Sciences

Online misinformation most likely to be believed by ideological extremists, study shows

Political observers have been troubled by the rise of online misinformation—a concern that has grown as we approach Election Day. However, while the spread of fake news may pose threats, a new study finds that its influence ...


Researchers witness nanoscale water formation in real time

For the first time ever, researchers have witnessed—in real time and at the molecular-scale—hydrogen and oxygen atoms merge to form tiny, nano-sized bubbles of water.

New cooling system works on gravity instead of electricity

Its abundance of sunlight and heavy investment in solar cell technology has positioned Saudi Arabia well in its transition to becoming a leading exporter of renewable energy. Indeed, solar energy currently makes up more than ...

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Tech Xplore

New tool can assess elderly dogs' frailty

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a tool that can aid owners and veterinarians in assessing an elderly dog's frailty. The tool—when coupled with simple assessments of body and muscle condition ...

Astronomers discover new open cluster with Gaia

Using ESA's Gaia satellite, astronomers have serendipitously discovered a new open cluster in the Milky Way galaxy. The newfound cluster, which received the designation Ash-1, is relatively young and consists of at least ...

AI spots cancer and viral infections with nanoscale precision

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence which can differentiate cancer cells from normal cells, as well as detect the very early stages of viral infection inside cells. The findings, published today in a study ...

Physicists predict existence of new exciton type

Bruno Uchoa, a professor of condensed matter physics, and Hong-yi Xie, a postdoctoral fellow in condensed matter physics at the University of Oklahoma, have published research in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy ...

In neutrinos, quantum entanglement leads to shared flavor

Neutrinos are the "ghost particles" in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. This is because they interact weakly with ordinary matter. An interesting property of neutrinos is that they can change their identities or "flavors" ...

Giant pangolin rediscovered in Senegal

In March 2023, temperatures in eastern Senegal soared to 40°C, with the cooling rains still months away. Yet, for the dedicated field team from the NGO Panthera—committed to global feline conservation—and the Direction ...