Solving the separase–securin complex

The structure of an important protein complex that regulates the metaphase-to-anaphase transition during cell cycle progression has been solved using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) at Diamond Light Source. The structural ...

Study details ringed structure of ORC in DNA replication

An international collaboration of life scientists, including experts at Van Andel Research Institute, has described in exquisite detail the critical first steps of DNA replication, which allows cells to divide and most advanced ...

Histone degradation accompanies the DNA repair response

Earlier work from the laboratory of Susan Gasser had noted changes in the physical behavior of chromatin when it incurred DNA damage: loci bearing double-strand breaks showed enhanced movement, becoming highly dynamic. Furthermore, ...

Cytomegalovirus infection relies on human RNA-binding protein

Viruses hijack the molecular machinery in human cells to survive and replicate, often damaging those host cells in the process. Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine discovered that, for ...

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