Half a million-dollar tick

University of Oxford and Monash University scientists have discovered how proteins present in tick saliva prevent the immune system from running amok.

Scientists discover blueprint of body's heat sensor

Touch a hot stove, and your fingers will recoil in pain because your skin carries tiny temperature sensors that detect heat and send a message to your brain saying, "Ouch! That's hot! Let go!"

New research suggests a novel route in the fight against cancer

In a new study published today in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, scientists from the University of Surrey have uncovered a collection of important proteins that carry out and regulate critical biological processes. ...

Scientists reveal structure of key cancer target enzyme

A team from the University of York has published research unveiling the 3-D structure of human heparanase, a sugar-degrading enzyme which has received significant attention as a key target in anti-cancer treatments.

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