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Discovery of compounds that delay flowering could boost crop yields

In an era where climate change threatens food security, scientists worldwide are searching for reliable ways to improve crop production. Extreme weather and shifting seasonal patterns can disrupt traditional agricultural ...

New approach could treat anthrax beyond the 'point of no return'

Anthrax, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, is often treatable in its early stages. But once the disease has progressed beyond the "point of no return" after just a few days, patients are almost ...

More news

Molecular & Computational biology
A genetic tree as a movie: Moving beyond the still portrait of ancestry
Plants & Animals
Master architects of spider world discovered in northern Australia
Cell & Microbiology
Membrane proteins reveal new pathways for drugs to act on cells
Wild marmots' social networks reveal controversial evolutionary theory in action
Molecular & Computational biology
Discovery reveals key molecular event that boosts wheat's defense against devastating disease
Cell & Microbiology
Critical blood defense receptor CD163 mapped for first time
Hundreds of fungi species threatened with extinction: IUCN
Cartilage and bone development: Three paths to skeleton formation
DNA microscope creates 3D images of organisms from the inside out
Plants & Animals
Humpback whales' use of memory to time their migration could prove less effective amid climate change
Plants & Animals
Discovery reveals how a specialized structure in plant cells helps regulate photosynthesis
Plants & Animals
Coral diseases and water quality threaten restoration efforts
Molecular & Computational biology
Unlocking rice's yield potential: Trio of genes holds the key, study shows
Even small amounts of Palmer amaranth threaten furrow-irrigated rice yields, research confirms
Mapping the Earth's crops with the help of AI can help farmers and policymakers improve planning
19 New England sea turtles are back in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida after rehabbing in Missouri
By 2100, more than 80% of amphibian species in and around the Pantanal in Paraguay projected to lose suitable habitat
Moorland stability: Dominant species and biodiversity play crucial roles
Cell & Microbiology
Analysis identifies optimal microbes for sustainable chemical production
Plants & Animals
Climate change threatens movement of birds through northern Australia

Other news

Social Sciences
Lyft drivers study reveals racial profiling by law enforcement
Experiment shows theory describing formation of interstellar benzene does not actually produce benzene
General Physics
Physicist revisits the computational limits of life and Schrödinger's essential question in the era of quantum computing
Condensed Matter
Thermopower-based technique can detect fractional quantum Hall states
The first comprehensive characterization of unconventional superconductivity arising from multipolar moments
Social Sciences
Even atheists in secular countries show intuitive preferences for religious belief
Earth Sciences
How the failure of two dams amplified the Derna Flood tragedy
Bio & Medicine
Novel class of zwitterionic phospholipids enhances mRNA delivery
Plasma Physics
Commercial fusion power plant now closer to reality
Active compounds in Piper longum fruits show potential for functional foods and medicine
Bio & Medicine
Scientists demonstrate pre-clinical proof of concept for next-gen DNA delivery technology
Bio & Medicine
Scientists uncover how microswimmers move faster in groups, paving way for tiny drug-delivering robots
Nanofiltration system separates valuable industrial chemicals from cattle manure
Analytical Chemistry
Solar-powered system converts waste to ammonia and glycolic acid
Arctic sea ice hits record low for its usual peak growth period
Earth's storage of water in soil, lakes and rivers is dwindling. And it's especially bad for farming
Four new gamma-ray millisecond pulsars discovered
General Physics
Study uncovers origin of the large neutron-capture cross section in ⁸⁸Zr using new methodology
New superconducting state discovered: Cooper-pair density modulation
Nanostructured copper alloy rivals superalloys in strength and stability

Coral diseases and water quality threaten restoration efforts

Coral diseases, particularly in the Caribbean, have caused major declines in coral populations, especially affecting staghorn (Acropora cervicornis) and Elkhorn (A. palmata) corals, which play a crucial role in reef ecosystems.