
Ctenophores and the story of evolution in the oceans

Ctenophores (pronounced "TEEN-o-fours") are mysterious ocean drifters found anywhere from the ocean's edge to the deepest parts of the ocean. Colorful, translucent, and delicate, these predators slip through ocean waters ...

New material makes cooling devices more energy-efficient

Waste heat from industry can often not be utilised because of its low temperature. With this material, it can be used in environmentally friendly cooling systems for example in the field of building technology. The research ...

The fishy problem of underwater noise pollution

When the famous explorer Jacques Cousteau released The Silent World, a documentary of his underwater adventures in 1953, he inspired generations of scientists to study the world's oceans.

A magnetar just woke up after three years of silence

When stars reach the end of their main sequence, they undergo a gravitational collapse, ejecting their outermost layers in a supernova explosion. What remains afterward is a dense, spinning core primarily made up of neutrons ...

New tool helps minimize impact of solar activity

University of Saskatchewan researcher Lindsay Goodwin has developed a new way to measure the impact of solar activity on the ionosphere as indicated by northern lights and geomagnetic storms. The ionosphere is the upper part ...

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