
Why does some tap water taste weird?

Every year Australia's councils contest the academy awards of the water industry: the Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia. Entrants compete on clarity and colour as well as taste and odour.

Research paints underwater pictures with sound

Silent marine robots that record sounds underwater are allowing researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) to listen to the oceans as never before.

The dark secrets of social media dark patterns

Tweeting praise or criticism gives you more power—and can pose a greater potential threat—than you may know, according to Michigan State University research.

How to turn light into atomic vibrations

Sheet-like materials can have intriguing properties that could benefit devices from flexible electronics to solar cells. Researchers think they can customize the properties of these materials by using light pulses to rapidly ...

The fight for clean emissions continues

It is exactly 20 years since experts from Empa and VERT published the first test results on diesel particle filters. Today, more than 300 million vehicles worldwide are fitted with such filters. However, a VERT conference ...

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