Record radiation in fish off Japan nuclear plant

A pair of greenlings have shown the highest level of radioactive caesium detected in fish and shellfish caught in waters off Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, its operator said Tuesday.

Toxic red tides: Scientists track neurotoxin-producing algae

which can increase the amount of harmful toxins in the shellfish that California residents consume — ramping up in frequency and severity locally, scientists at USC have developed a new algae monitoring method in hopes ...

Algae that turned toxic stumps scientists

For years, when Washington state health officials tested shellfish for toxins produced by microscopic algae, they zeroed in on two types of poisons.

Invasive 'tunicate' appears in Oregon's coastal waters

An aggressive, invasive aquatic organism that is on the state's most dangerous species list has been discovered in both Winchester Bay and Coos Bay, and scientists say this "colonial tunicate" - Didemnum vexillum - has serious ...

Loss of coastal seagrass habitat accelerating globally

An international team of scientists warns that accelerating losses of seagrasses across the globe threaten the immediate health and long-term sustainability of coastal ecosystems. The team has compiled and analyzed the first ...

Sick sea lions spotted along Ventura County coast

Sea lions are being poisoned by a toxin found in plankton and reports of the sick animals being spotted along the Ventura County coast are skyrocketing, according to an animal rescue organization.

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