Exploring lysosomal biology: Current approaches and methods

Lysosomes are critical for cellular degradation, characterized by their acidic pH and array of hydrolytic enzymes. They degrade materials through endocytosis, phagocytosis, and autophagy, recycling essential components. Lysosomes ...

Marine bacteria team up to produce a vital vitamin

A German-American research team led by microbiologist Dr. Gerrit Wienhausen from the University of Oldenburg (Germany) has come an important step closer to a better understanding of highly complex interactions between marine ...

Study underscores new strategies to fight drug-resistant bacteria

Several billion years ago, a genetic arms race began between bacteria and their viral killers. This seemingly eternal struggle continues today, with implications for diseases killing tens of thousands of people around the ...

Engineers develop innovative microbiome analysis software tools

Since the first microbial genome was sequenced in 1995, scientists have reconstructed the genomic makeup of hundreds of thousands of microorganisms and have even devised methods to take a census of bacterial communities on ...

Discovery of structural specialization in myriapod ovaries

Elaborate observations reveal the structural specialization within an epithelial layer covering oocytes in the Japanese pill-millipede, Hyleoglomeris japonica, considered absent in Myriapoda. Comparing this result with previous ...

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