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Revolutionizing 3D printing through microwave technology

In the rapidly evolving world of 3D printing, the pursuit of faster, more efficient and versatile production methods is never-ending. Traditional 3D printing techniques, while groundbreaking, are often time-consuming and ...

Aurora borealis can light up the sky and shut down the grid

During a thunderstorm, you can feel rain pouring, see lightning flashing and hear wind howling. Unlike these phenomena, the Aurora Borealis cannot be heard or felt because it occurs through the earth's magnetic field's invisible ...

Double-helical design boosts concrete crack resistance

Taking inspiration from nature, researchers from Princeton Engineering have improved crack resistance in concrete components by coupling architected designs with additive manufacturing processes and industrial robots that ...

More news

Scientists develop eco-friendly microfabrication method using water and paper
Developing underwater robots to venture deep below polar ice
Researchers innovate optical microchips with applications for sensing and communications
How low can we go? Radical change is needed to cut the carbon that goes into buildings to net zero, say researchers
Researchers develop a new humanoid platform for robotics research
Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses in mushrooms
Thermochromic material could make indoor temperature control more energy-efficient
New manufacturing processes allow adhesive-free joining of wood and metal
New two-finger robotic hand tackles everyday manipulation tasks in real-world experiments
Researchers test stability of 3D-printed super alloy under extremes
New air-based refrigeration system developed to replace harmful refrigerants
Engineers develop AI system for real-time sensing of flooded roads
Insights from satellite data pave the way to better solar power generation
NASA develops pod to help autonomous aircraft operators
Metal baseball bats still help Little Leaguers hit a little better
Synchronized foot vibrations improve virtual walking experiences, study shows
Resin made from biomass advances method for manufacturing recyclable wind turbine blades
Sprayable gels could protect buildings during wildfires
Researchers unleash machine learning in designing advanced lattice structures
Self-improving AI method increases 3D-printing efficiency

Other news

Virtual learning linked to rise in chronic absenteeism, study finds
Analytical Chemistry
Novel design strategy advances discovery of metal-organic frameworks
Researchers develop molecular biosensors that only light up upon binding to their targets
Cell & Microbiology
Algorithm maps protein degradation patterns to improve infection diagnosis and treatment
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists create industrially important alkyl amines from dinitrogen and alkenes
New filter removes chemical contaminants from water even at very low concentrations
Analytical Chemistry
Probing the depths of complex electron shells: New insights into uranium's tricky chemistry
3D imaging allows researchers to observe degradation of micro- and nanoplastics with unprecedented detail
General Physics
First detection of cross-correlation between cosmic shear and X-ray background enhances baryonic matter understanding
Cell & Microbiology
Labs collaborate to enhance imaging tools for cell observation
Plants & Animals
Northern elephant seals use deep-sea research sonar as dinner bell
A space oddity—small exoplanet challenges existing theories on planet formation
Condensed Matter
Adding an alternating magnetic field to layers of twisted graphene creates even more exotic properties
Replacement crop treatment not safe for important pollinator, experts say
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover iron winds on an ultra-hot exoplanet
Space Exploration
Small, harmless asteroid burns up in Earth's atmosphere over the Philippines
Research team designs efficient bioenergy crops that need less water to grow
Optics & Photonics
Novel metasurface enables temperature-adaptive radiative cooling
Outer solar system is more populated than previously thought, research reveals
Plants & Animals
Unraveling the evolutionary secrets of how whales and dolphins adapted their backbones for aquatic life

New fuel cell architecture uses nanowires to deliver durability

A promising, more durable fuel cell design could help transform heavy-duty trucking and other clean fuel cell applications. Consisting of nanowires that are less susceptible to corrosion than other designs, the innovative ...

Tattoo technique transfers gold nanopatterns onto live cells

For now, cyborgs exist only in fiction, but the concept is becoming more plausible as science progresses. And now, researchers are reporting in ACS' Nano Letters that they have developed a proof-of-concept technique to "tattoo" ...