Even light oiling is like flying with a ball and chain for birds

It's a depressingly familiar sight when an oil well blows or a tanker runs aground: thousands of stranded, helpless animals wallowing in cloying crude oil. 'Birds are often used as the poster children for the deadly effects ...

Winging it: How do bats out-maneuver their prey?

Bats catch food 'on the wing' without touching the ground, but how do they do it? A new study by Per Henningsson at Lund University, Sweden is the first of its kind to analyse the aerodynamics of bats performing manoeuvers ...

Fluctuating forces of flight captured by new, high-tech paint

As it thunders upward through the Earth's atmosphere to carry a spacecraft into orbit, a rocket is buffeted by a chaotic flow of air. At high speeds, airplanes experience a similar, unsteady flow of air over their wings. ...

Image: Breaking boundaries in new engine designs

In an effort to improve fuel efficiency, NASA and the aircraft industry are rethinking aircraft design. Inside the 8' x 6' wind tunnel at NASA Glenn, engineers recently tested a fan and inlet design, commonly called a propulsor, ...

Modern roof shapes tested against big blows

New homes are increasingly being built with unusual roof shapes, and new research by James Cook University reveals the potential for some new designs to lose roof cladding if houses aren't well maintained or have minor construction ...

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