Related topics: brain · neurons · retina

How organisms filter out the noise to make accurate predictions

A new study by researchers from the University of Chicago and the French National Centre for Scientific Research shows how organisms filter information from their environment differently for a wide range of biological processes—from ...

A divided visual field in hawkmoths

Hummingbird hawkmoths are small insects that hover in the air like hummingbirds when drinking nectar from flowers. Dr. Anna Stöckl from the Biocentre of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany, ...

Preventing data leak with dual-band metahologram

New frontiers have opened in the world of preventing data breaches by using light of two different wavelengths—visible and infrared light. This is achieved by using a new material called a metasurface that makes extreme ...

Getting the world to listen

Scientists and researchers often find it challenging to get people interested in their work. It is possible to be a leading expert in a field and still be unfamiliar outside the modest circle of colleagues in the same field. ...

Understanding human nature when mother nature wreaks havoc

StormView is a software program that gauges how residents of hurricane-prone regions might react in the event of an imminent storm. It was developed by University of Miami professor Kenny Broad and a number of collaborators, ...

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