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Slightly lost bumble bees use scent to find their way home

Put yourself in the exoskeleton of a bumble bee for a moment: Your world would be a riot of colors and scents, both essential to guide your search for pollen and nectar. Bumble bees have excellent vision: They have a pair ...

Study: Zebrafish are smarter than we thought

A new study from MIT and Harvard University suggests that the brains of the seemingly simple zebrafish are more sophisticated than previously thought. The researchers found that larval zebrafish can use visual information ...

How insects detect color

Biologists have identified fundamental mechanisms in visual information processing in fruit flies.

How information design eases our understanding of the world

"How do you land a 2,000-pound rover on a planet 100 million miles away from Earth without controlling it in real time?" asked Mark Davis, an Emmy-winning producer and director of science and technology documentaries for ...

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