Pack 'Em In -- Gold Nanoparticles Improve Gene Regulation

Investigators at Northwestern University have found that packing small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules onto the surface of a gold nanoparticle can protect siRNAs from degradation and increase their ability to regulate genes ...

Nanomachines taught to fight cancer

Scientists from ITMO in collaboration with international colleagues have proposed new DNA-based nanomachines that can be used for gene therapy for cancer. This new invention can greatly contribute to more effective and selective ...

RNA molecule behind behavior changes cued by environment

Quick changes in behavior – in worms, at least – can be triggered by a unique form of the molecule RNA acting within the nucleus of a cell, UC San Francisco researchers have discovered.

Infectious disease may have shaped human origins, study says

An international team of researchers, led by scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, suggest that inactivation of two specific genes related to the immune system may have conferred selected ...

New CRISPR tool targets RNA in mammalian cells

Researchers from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have shown that a CRISPR-based editing system can cut and bind RNA in mammalian cells. In a paper out this week in Nature, the team used CRISPR-Cas13, which the researchers ...

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